Sandals Resort, Montego Bay, Jamaica, Registry ideas for wedding, honeymoon registry, honeyfund

7 Wedding Registry Ideas You Didn’t Know You Could Include

…especially if you already live together

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We’ve compiled all of the best registry ideas for your wedding. Did you know there are a lot of things you can register for outside of the traditional home items; think towels, kitchen utensils, home decor, etc. These days, it’s much more common that a couple has already been living together, or has been living independent in their own places for a while. It’s not very common anymore that both bride and groom would both be coming straight from their parents home or a college dorm. So, why do we still feel obligated to stick with those out-of-date registry traditions. Without the need for all the home necessities, you can really get creative with what you register for.

Sandals Resort, Montego Bay, Jamaica, Registry ideas for wedding, honeymoon registry, honeyfund
Sandals Resort – Montego Bay, Jamaica

Top 7 Registry Ideas for Your Wedding

  1. A New Mattress
  2. Honeymoon
  3. Mortgage downpayment
  4. Cash
  5. Home Security system
  6. Fitness Equipment
  7. Outdoor Items

1. A New Mattress

Whether you already live together or you’re moving in together after the honeymoon, a new mattress for your newlywed life is a must!  No one wants to sleep on a mattress with a long history, ya know? Plus, the recuperative sleep you’ll get from a new quality mattress is essential to be productive during the day!  Did you know that Amazon sells a ton of great mattresses online!  From Purple brand, to Sealy, to Nectar, there are some great mattress brands that can be shipped right to your door!

You may be asking yourself, “But who would spend that much money on us for our wedding?”  Well, many of your closest family members will want to choose a higher dollar gift to help you get your life started off on the right foot.  And think about friend groups or coworkers who might want to go in together on a larger gift for that wow factor. 

With price tags ranging from under $500-$2,000+, check out this article, 10 BEST MATTRESSES ONLINE, to see if you can find one that fits your needs to add to your amazon registry.  

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2. Honeymoon

HoneyFund is a website where you can let your friends and family give money toward your honeymoon.  My husband and I actually used HoneyFund as one option on our registry years ago (along with the traditional ones), and got the money we needed for our dream Honeymoon to Jamaica.

If you’re still deciding on Honeymoon plans, definitely check our Sandals Resort.  I would highly recommend all of their Jamaican resorts.  We chose Montego Bay, and loved it so much we’re going back for our anniversary this year.  The Jamaican people are so warm and inviting.  It’s a lower income country, but they welcome tourists onto their beautiful island with open arms because they know that tourism is such a vital part of their economy. Their positive outlook on life and appreciation for the beauty around them is infectious!

Sandals Resort, Montego Bay, Jamaica, Registry ideas for wedding, honeymoon registry, honeyfund
Sandals Resort – Montego Bay, Jamaica

3. Home Downpayment

You can even use your HoneyFund account to ask for gifts that go toward a large sum of money like for a home down payment or other large financial needs like high dollar appliances or furniture. 

4. Cash

That brings us to our next item: Cash!  You can simply add cash gift cards to your Amazon registry.  These $50 or $100 Amazon Gift Cards in fancy wedding-gift-style boxes are a great thing to have on your registry for people who truly want to give you cash for your wedding gift.  

People especially love giving cash gift cards to couples who have already been living together, or who already have established homes or apartments of their own, since they may not have as many household needs. 

5. Home Security System

Don’t forget to add a ring doorbell or a security system to your Amazon registry.  People are pretty loyal to their home security system choices, so if a wedding guest sees their favorite on your registry, chances are, they’ll be inclined to set you up with the same system they trust as their home’s security.

Here are our favorite systems on Amazon:

6. Fitness Equipment

Your guests love getting you gifts that are personal to YOU.  If you aren’t known for your baking and cooking skills, but do love to stay fit, people would much rather get you something they know you will use.

Plus, if you really stock your at-home gym up, you could work out with your new spouse and even cancel those expensive gym memberships.  

Here are some of the items we have loved having in our at-home gym:

7. Outdoor items

Some people will love the idea of giving you a cozy place to enjoy the outdoors at your new home together. I recently splurged on several of these items for our back deck, and I just love how they bring new life to our outdoor space.  

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Lang Floral Designs is a premier wedding florist in Chattanooga, Tennessee.  We do wedding and event flowers in the surrounding areas of East Tennessee and North Georgia, and we also love providing brides everywhere with useful ideas and information for their wedding day. For a better idea of all we can do at your wedding, click hereContact us today if you’re interested in hiring us for your wedding or event.


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